Home Comments & Complaints

Comments & Complaints

London Lauriston Clinic aims to provide the best possible service and care to its patients.  If we have done something well, we would love to hear about it. We acknowledge however that there may be occasions when your expectations are not met.  We are always interested in receiving feedback, both positive and negative, from patients in order for us to address any area of our service that requires improvement and to make changes where necessary.  All feedback and complaints are taken seriously, regardless of their nature, clinical or non-clinical.

All written feedback and complaints are recorded for audit purposes, and where necessary, actions are planned, and responses are prepared within seven days of receipt. 

Should you wish to make a comment or complaint about any aspect of the service or care you have received, there are a number of ways in which you can bring this to our attention:

How to provide feedback

By completing our ‘Patient Feedback Form’, which is available at reception, on both floors, and on our website here.  All completed feedback forms and emails are analysed regularly in order to evaluate our services and provide scope for improvement.

By telephoning us on 020 4511 0444.  Please ask to speak to the Duty Manager.

By email to info@LLClinics.co.uk.  We will respond to your initial inquiry within three (3) working days.

How to make a complaint

At London Lauriston Clinic, we have a clearly defined complaints procedure which is available for viewing here, or by requesting a printed copy at reception.


This statement was updated on 14 August 2024.