Home Safeguarding Assurance Statement

Safeguarding Assurance Statement

London Lauriston Clinic Ltd (the Clinic) believes that every individual has the right to live in a safe environment, free of abuse and neglect.  We are committed to safeguarding children, young people, and adults across the organisation. It is our responsibility to recognise warning signs and know who and how to report these concerns.

The welfare of children, young people and adults who come into our services, either directly or indirectly, is paramount and all staff have a responsibility to ensure compliance with statutory requirements and that best practice is followed.

The Clinic fulfils its statutory duties under the Children Act (2004), Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the Care Act (2014) to have safeguarding leadership in place.

The Safeguarding Lead for the London Lauriston Clinic is Clinical Director and CQC Registered Manager, Professor Gerard Conway. 

The Clinic meets its statutory requirements in relation to safe recruitment with Disclosure and Barring Service checks for all employees and those consultants and professionals working at Clinic’s premises with practicing privileges.

The Clinic’s safeguarding policies are up to date. Policies are reviewed at least every three years or when there is a change in legislation or guidance.  All policies are widely available to all staff through an electronic policy library.

There is a robust safeguarding training programme in place with clearly defined eligibility as recommended by the intercollegiate documents.

The Clinic has a system in place for raising safeguarding concerns and all staff are trained and aware of the reporting pathway.


Last updated: 31 January 2024